Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Melt Down

Today at the grocery store Weston had a complete melt down. The biggest I have seen. It started because I let him push one of those kids shopping carts around the store. After a while he kept hitting things on purpose. (Luckily only paper towel displays) I told him if he didn't stop, I was going to put him in my cart. Well, he didn't, so I did. He screamed SO loud that I'm sure people on the opposite side of the grocery store could hear him. I refused to just leave (my apologies to the other shoppers). He wailed for the remainder of the shopping trip, through the checkout line, out the door and all the way home. Lovely.
Anyway, fast forward to this evening. Mike is getting Weston into bed and I over-hear him talking to him about listening to mommy while we are at the store and how we shouldn't make messes at the store.
Weston's response: If Mommy makes a mess, I will put HER in the cart.