Sunday, May 22, 2011

Preschool Graduation

Beach Theme 

Loud and clear in his sweet voice, "Weston Kinney" 

Examining his "diploma"

Dallin sitting with the class and trying on Weston's sun glasses.

Eating cake with Addy

This bridge is just outside the school and the boys love to play on it. 

Afterwards we took the boys out for breakfast at the Dutch Market. :)


The giant slide! 

Dallin's favorite spot: Baseball

With a LOT of help, Weston finally conquered the climb to this slide. 


Do you know how much I spent to get you into this place so you could play in the water fountain?

My beautifully goofy children

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mother's Weekend

Best Mother's Weekend EVER!

Saturday we road the ferry across the Potomac River and went out to dinner and then shopping at the outlet mall in Virginia. It was such a beautiful night, the boys were excellent and I got a new purse!
Sunday, Mike made breakfast (eggs potatoes and fresh fruit).  Then at church the primary sang songs to their mothers.  Weston, of course, didn't sing, but made faces at me.  The best part was when Weston wasn't paying attention and the kids were instructed to leave the stage.  He stayed behind in his own world while the music leader was swinging her arms trying to get his attention and tell him to get off the stage.  The bishop finally had to get up and tell him it was time to get down, but not before everyone in the congregation was laughing.
And now I have nothing left to do but spend the day relaxing, blogging and enjoying not cooking or cleaning.

Dallin and Daddy

Dallin and the Syrup

I asked Dallin to put the syrup on the table.  This was his interpretation.  Then when I walked back into the kitchen to flip the french toast, he literally squirted the syrup all over the table.

Another thing to note in this picture is the fact that Dallin is wearing a shirt over his pajamas.  That's the only way we can keep him dressed through the night.

Easter 2011

Baskets are for our heads, right? 

Coloring Easter Eggs

Whose mommy made the cutest cookies for the school Easter party?

Park with Grandma