Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Weston vs. smile

We picked the first tomato of the summer. I had Weston hold it, got my camera and said, "smile, Weston".  This is what I got (and very typical of what I get when I ask him to smile for a picture):

Mike says we should be glad that he is "real" and won't just smile because you tell him to. He only smiles when he is genuinely happy.  I think it would be nice to have some pictures of Weston smiling. 

Cow Day at Chick Fil A

If you dress up like a cow, you get a free lunch.  I had one sheet of black construction paper, 1 sheet of pink construction paper and eye liner:

Dallin vs. peanut butter

If I give Dallin a cheese sandwich for lunch, he will just eat the cheese out of it.  If I give Dallin a peanut butter sandwich he will just eat the peanut butter out of it.  So I have started just giving him peanut butter by the spoonful. 

And sometimes I just give him a bowl of peanut butter...

splash park

I spent $15 getting into the splash park and all Dallin will do is stick his finger in the water.

 And sit in the lifeguard chair:

Story time

I caught Dallin having story time on his own: