Monday, June 1, 2009

Adventures in potty training

So we have been at the potty training thing for several weeks now.  Ugh!  I am so sick of the phrase "UH OH! WANNA CLEAN UP!"  

When we realized that Weston was going to be wetting the bed A LOT we went to a second-hand kids store and bought a few crib sheets.  We had them folded and sitting on a toy box near his bed.  We were in his room playing last night and we moved the sheets to the ground so he could get into his toy box.  Then we hear those famous last words "uh oh! Wanna clean up!"  We look over and he has peed on all 3 of the clean sheets and a mattress pad! ARG!  

We have discovered that if we pull Weston out of his bed after nap time and put him on the potty he won't wet the bed.  The only down side is occasionally you have to wait for his sleepy time erection to go down. So the other day, Mike goes in and gets him up from his nap and puts him on the potty.  Weston looks down at himself and yells "WOAH! IT'S A BIG ONE!"

What else has Weston been up to:

He has a new love for the pool. We go a lot now with daddy home.  He wears his little inflatable wings and is getting pretty good at kicking his way around the pool.  

He is talking SO much these days.  Some of the things he says make us laugh so hard like: "Oh, I don't know either, but lets find out!" The other night at dinner Mike told him to take a bite of his food and Weston responded with "It's cool offing". 

He has started getting into the 2-year old phase where he says 'NO' a lot!  On the other hand, when he gives a positive response it is usually "yeah, okay".  

He is understanding more and more about this "baby brother" that will be joining the family any day now.  He tries to look into my belly button to see him.  He has occasionally 'knocked' on my belly and then told me "Want baby brother get out".  Once he said "He's growing." We are trying to read him books and show him pictures and videos of him as a baby so he can be a bit more prepared. 

As for mama, I am getting pretty uncomfortable now that we are nearing the end. I am hoping this baby comes as soon as possible. 

Just a random picture of Weston by my head of Romaine lettuce.  Nice huh?


Joe and Lora Leigh said...

Impressive lettuce! We should have salad together sometime.

By the way, I'm pretty sure Weston is going to be mortified one day when he looks back and reads this post. Hehehe. Isn't it fun being a mom?

Alyssa said...

19 days!!!!!! aka ANY DAY NOW!!!! wohooooo!!!!!

Beattie Family said...

You're brave potty trainig weston with the new baby coming soon. Hope it is any day now, go get a pedicure, it's good to have cute toes in the hospital:)

Unknown said...

That IS quite the awesome lettuce and I love the newspaper photo!! Good luck...We are also PT at our house. Meadow is getting tired of me asking her if she needs to go to the bathroom.