Tuesday, November 10, 2009


Weston has been pushing my buttons like never before over the last few days. I decided to have a little chat with him to explain why mommy says no and why he needs to listen to mommy.

Mommy: Weston, you need to listen to mommy when she tells you not to do something. Remember today when mommy told you not to play in the garden? Mommy told you not to play because she doesn't want you to get hurt. Some of the plants have pointy things on them and they could give you a big ouchie. You need to listen to mommy so you can be safe. Okay?

Weston: and then we can ring the doorbell.

Mommy: *blink blink* huh? sigh....

Something tells me I'm not getting through to him. I'll just prepare myself for more of the same tomorrow.


Unknown said...


That made me laugh out loud. Believe me, I have experience the same *blink blink*

Joe and Lora Leigh said...

If it makes you feel better, I think I have had many conversations of about the same caliber with my first graders. Aaarggh!