Friday, July 2, 2010

Weston's Birthday!

What a day! We went and saw Toy Story 3 at the theater with Grandma, had a picnic in the park, made chocolate cup cakes, had Weston's favorite dinner (Chicken ala King), opened presents and decorated cupcakes. We finished off the evening watching "Tom and Jerry", a present from Aunt Alysia.

Recently I was thinking that through your life so far, we have found ourselves saying, "We sure are lucky that Weston __________ "(fill in the blank with something special that Weston does to spoil us). Examples: We sure are lucky that Weston slept through the night at 8 weeks. We sure are lucky that Weston never went through his terrible 2s. We sure are lucky that Weston still takes naps. The moral of the story is, we are just incredibly lucky to have you as our son.
At 4 years old you are still in love with Curious George, but you have added a couple of other "favorites", including Lightning McQueen and anything Toy Story. When you see any of these you say "Look mama, is that my favorite?" (You continue to phrase everything in the form of a question.) You have a new found love of the computer and can play on until someone drags you away. Recently, you decided to hop on the computer and video conference call your Grandma in Florida. I still don't know how you knew how to do it.
You are kind, loving, and abnormally obedient. You are so much fun to be around. You constantly make your Mommy, Daddy and Dallin laugh. We can see in you an amazing little boy and one day what incredible man you will be. We adore you and are so happy you are our son.

1 comment:

Joe and Lora Leigh said...

Happy birthday, Weston! Looks like you had quite the party. We love you, kiddo! :)