Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Between Husband and Wife

Some funny blurbs from the last week:

Mike:  Thank you for not being a nagging wife.
Me: I don't have to nag you, you do everything I tell you to do.
Mike: Yeah, except when I don't want to...

Setting: Laying in bed, Dallin is crying in his crib.
Me: I just want to go hold him.
Mike: You can hold me instead.
Me: It's not the same...
Mike: Would it help if I cried?

Setting: I need to show Mike something on the computer but he is in my chair.
Me: Uh, I need my chair. I can't explain it standing over here. I need to be sitting in my chair.
Mike: (Doesn't move)
Me: Jumping up and down, flailing around and pretending to have a melt down because he won't let me sit in my chair.
Mike: You do "neurotic" well.


Most of my posts are about my fabulous and adorable children, but I should also mention my fabulous and adorable husband.
Anyone who has met Mike knows I won the lottery with this choice of husband/father combo. Occasionally, he says the sweetest things and I just wanted a place to jot them down so I don't forget them.

A while back Mike went out with a bunch of his guy friends. They did a bunch of fun "guy" things. When he came home he said to me, "That was a lot of fun, but I prefer spending time with my wife."

Once I was telling him stories from my childhood and he said "Robin, if I knew you as a child, I would have been knocking on your parents door every day saying, 'Can Robin come out and play?'"

We were loving the Bourne Identity trilogy. One night I asked him what he would do if I got amnesia and he said "I'd have fun making you fall in love with me again".

Recently someone said I was so lucky to have Mike because he is so good to me, he spoils me rotten, he does the dishes, he bathes the children, etc. When I relayed the info to Mike he simply said, "Isn't that how I should treat my queen".


Unknown said...

awwwww :D

Love this post! Great picture of Mike in the tree. What a perfect pair.

Michelle- A look at our lovely life said...

I totally agree that Mike Kinney rocks!! (But you so totally do to!!)

Joe and Lora Leigh said...

I just read to Joe your blip about Mike offering to let you hold him instead, and he said to tell you guys... "Hey! No Sneaky Freaky!"

Greg and Alysia said...

You guys were made for each other. I think you are a perfect match and I love having you guys as family! You go Mike, keep up the good work. We miss you guys.