Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Spring Break trip to Niagara Falls

 Dallin would get mad if anyone other than Weston was pushing the stroller.

 Behind the waterfall

 Looking up at the side of Horseshoe Falls.

 We stayed at a hotel with a water park. The boys had a blast. Weston went down this tube so many times, Mike and I had to take switch off with him.
 He was brave. It was a scary, dark slide.

 Weston and Daddy racing. Looks like daddy won.
 I love this picture.
 Dallin didn't want to go on any slides. He was happy to play in the kiddy pool as long as he had a bucket or a ball.

 The wave pool.
 This was a huge bucket of water that would tip over and splash everyone below it every 10 minutes or so. Dallin was terrified of it. He would jump every time he heard it.
The boys got their own bedroom with 2 sets of bunk beds. I had to bribe them with candy to get them to stay in their bed and go to sleep. We kept hearing Weston (the responsible one just trying to go to sleep) saying, "Dallin get out of my bed" and "Dallin turned the lights on" for hours before they finally passed out.
It was a great trip. We all had a blast.

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