Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Time flies when you're having fun!

Mike and I just had our 5th wedding anniversary on Saturday, May 3rd. We decided a nice romantic weekend away was in store so we packed up, dropped Weston off with some friends for the weekend and headed to Busch Gardens! There's something about dropping face first for 205 feet at 74 miles and hours that screams romance. Or maybe it just SCREAMS! I know I did.

This ride was crazy fun. They take you to the top and then just dangle you over the edge for a few seconds before they drop you. This was the first ride we went on when we got to the park and we only had to wait 10 minutes before we were strapped in the front row danging above the park.

This water was just a cool effect, nobody actually got wet. There were pleanty of other rides to get soaked on.

We didn't ride this rollercoaster until after dark. That definately added to the coolness.

Me and my forever sweety. Me in my obnoxious purple sunglasses. We are in line for the Alpengiest. We didn't like this coaster, it had too many jerks and twists and it left us a bit woozy. It's the white roller coaster you see in the back ground.

We found this lollypop in a candy shop. I think it weighed over 5 lbs! Lift with your legs and not your back!

They also had this cool wild life preserve. Everyone say HI to Jacob. (Rumor has it, he hunts vampires)

They also had this open area full of bald eagles. We couldn't understand why they were all staying there since it was completely open to the park. Turns out they are all rescued eagles. They have all had injuries that made them flightless. It was cool to see them so up close.

We took this picture for you, Calvin!

"This ride contains two steep drops and is not recommened for guests with a fear of hights."


Anonymous said...

hey sis... we went to Niagara Falls for the our romantic weekend this past weekend! love and miss you! I'll send you pics!

Lisa said...

Awesome! I used to be able to stomach such thrilling rides. . . Not sure exactly what happened. Did you say Hi to Jacob? Very cool! And, Happy Anniversary!

Jim said...

Happy Anniversary! And BTW Jacob is much hotter even as a werewolf I am sure and much bigger, muscular and a little more reddish fur and a little more shaggy....I guess I would say that wolf is a low budget version. haha.

Zach 'n' Jack said...

Happy anniversary! And just for the record, I am SO impressed with you - I would have died of a heart attack, thrown up, and peed my pants if I had ever had to ride any of those things. Yes, I am a wimp, I know! But really - you are so brave, good job!