Friday, May 22, 2009

Mandatory 2-month vacation

It's been a while since I have blogged so this is going to be a long one! At the end of April we were surprised to see Mike home from work early. Unfortunately, he had been laid off that day. Because he is already accepted into a masters program at NCSU, he really doesn't have any time to go find another job. (it's not possible for him to work and go to school at the same time) So we are taking what we are calling a "mandatory 2 month vacation" before school starts at the end of June.

So here is what we have been up to:
A trip to the coast.

We started Weston potty training. I am SO glad Mike has been home for this process. We both agree that this is a 2-parent job.

This is a picture of Weston in time out because he refused to put his clothes back on.

A trip to the park.

With all the extra time Mike has, I have been having him do all the things around the house that have been needing to be done, but don't. He has been dusting the A/C vents around the house, pulling weeds outside, etc. On one of our back yard days, we discovered a nest of bunnies! It took this pregnant mama all of 10 seconds to fall in love, but Mike forbade me from naming them. Weston had a ball with them also. Then after Weston was down for his nap, Mike walked all 5 of them down the street and put them in the woods.

We took a trip to see daddy's school.

We found a park in Raleigh where you could ride the choo-choo train for $1. Weston LOVES trains!

Most recently we went Strawberry pickin'. Well, Mike and I picked, Weston just ate them right off the plant. "Don't eat the green part!"

Fed some horses and goats carrots, strawberries and a couple of fingers.

These goats are fighting over a strawberry we threw into their cage.

Chased a peacock.

It took a few days to be able to get over the initial shock of being laid off less than 2 months before our baby is due, the lack of insurance, income, etc. Once we were able to see things a little more clearly we realized that 2 months ago we were planing on riding out Mike's job until the economy was better. But all the sudden we started feeling pushed in another direction. Mike all the sudden felt the need to take his GMAT exam and upon doing well on it we decided that instead of staying in a dead-end job until the economy was better, the best thing to do was head back to school. He applied to the Masters of Advanced Analytics program at NCSU and was accepted about a week before his job laid him off. I have increased my testimony in God and how he really is mindful of each of us. He doesn't prevent bad things from happening. Instead, he prepares us for new paths that lead to bigger and better things. Once Mike starts school his workload is going to be the equivalent of 2 full time jobs. So we are especially grateful for this time we now have to spend together as a family.

4 more weeks until baby brother is due.


Greg and Diana said...

well, pass on to Mike that we're sorry eh got laid off, but glad that things worked out and that you have such a positive attitude about it! Good luck with everything and the new baby coming soon!!

Joe and Lora Leigh said...

I think I want a rabbit now. Thanks a lot! I'm glad you guys are having so much fun! Sometimes life throws you curve balls, but you might as well enjoy it, right? :) See you tomorrow.