Monday, July 21, 2008

Welcome to my world

These are just a few examples of what Weston has been up to the last couple of days. I can't tell you how many bang-head-here moments I have had since he was born. As much as I love being his mommy, it is a constant reminder of how I am not very good at it- obviously.

Example 1: Weston has a bad habit of throwing his food across the kitchen when he doesn’t want it any more. I don’t know how to get him to stop. So the other day at lunch he threw his string cheese onto the floor. I put on my best “disappointed” face and said, “WESTON! That is NOT NICE. We do NOT throw food. Now you are going straight to nite-nite”!!!Weston, obviously distraught about this prospect, gives me a huge grin and proclaims happily “NI-NITE!!!!!!!” I got him out of his high chair and he ran full speed to his bed. *sigh*

Example 2: While coming home from church this week I was explaining to Mike that I am not doing a very good job of teaching primary because I keep using bad language in class. A few weeks ago I said the work “stupid” and got an ear-full from my disapproving 5-year-old students. I apologized. Then this last week I said “Does Sister Kinney ever do dumb things and need to repent?” YIKES! Shrieking children: “You said the ‘d’ word!!” So as I am telling this to Mike in the car I asked him, “Should our children get in trouble if they say the word ‘dumb’”??? And our little parrot in the back seat calls out loud and clear: “DUMB!” *double sigh*

Example 3: Now this morning I sit Weston in his high chair and ask him what he wants for breakfast. (Please note: I am not expecting an answer) But he did answer me and requested a “cook-ie” for breakfast. What? Weston, you don’t get a cookie for breakfast. How about a banana? Weston shakes his head and says: “Choc-late!” WHAT?!? NO WESTON! You don’t get chocolate for breakfast!!!! I have NO idea where he gets that from! ;)


Michelle- A look at our lovely life said...

Oh Weston, you totally crack me up!! Hang in there Robin, he is sooo lucky to have you as Mommy!

Vanessa said...

hey, i think that is all 2 yr. olds. Chase constantly asks for things that he knows he can't have (like fruit snacks for dinner and every meal). and then when he does something wrong (like punch/hit Taelin, or makes her cry) he runs and puts himself in timeout and then sings while he's there! URGH! :) they are frustrating...but no, it's not just you!!! maybe its just boys too...who knows, but you are not alone!

oh yeah- and i said, bootie at my scocer practice for kelton 2 months ago and got an ear full of why it wasn't nice to say bootie...not sure what else to say!! AH!