Friday, April 3, 2009

Strategy for Sanity

Today as I was sweeping up the remains of my almost garden, I thought of something. You know how the experts say we should count to 10 before getting angry? Well, I guess my strategy will have to be stop and take a picture. It gives me enough time to compose myself and put things in perspective. Like, oh well, at least now I can blog about it. :)

So here are some past pictures of the times I was able to stop, breathe, and take a picture.

My 'almost beautiful' garden.

Weston and my CDs.

Weston and the spaghetti.
Weston and the DVDs.

Weston and the baby powder.

Weston and my wallet.

Weston and the baby wipes.


Zach 'n' Jack said...

i'm glad we're not alone.... you could insert Kayden into any of these pictures and it would be appropriate ;-)

Watson momma said...

that is so hilarious! i love it!!

Chris said...

You have nerves of steel, my dear. :) Oh, the fun things to look forward to. *laugh*